Canadian, US Business Associations Call for Immediate Action to Open Ambassador Bridge

(OTTAWA) – February 8, 2022 – The below listed business associations issued the following statement regarding the closing of the Ambassador Bridge today amid protesting blockades.

“Business associations on both sides of the border are calling for a swift and immediate clearing of the Windsor-Detroit Ambassador Bridge blockade and a timely re-opening of the bridge. The group also urges the federal, provincial, state, and local governments to work collaboratively to deliver rapid solutions to the illegal blockages of traffic, which now include the Ambassador Bridge and the crossing between Coutts, Alberta and Sweet Grass, Montana.

The Ambassador Bridge is the busiest trade crossing in North America and a vital enabler of our two economies. Given the importance of ensuring that the supply of food, medical products and industrial goods can continue, the disruption at the Ambassador Bridge is an attack on the well-being of our citizens and the businesses that employ them.

As our economies emerge from the impacts of the pandemic, we cannot allow any group to undermine the cross-border trade that supports families on both sides of the border.

We stand ready to provide whatever assistance may be required to expedite a speedy re-opening of the Ambassador Bridge.”

For a printable version of the statement, click here.
