Who We Are

CUSBA – The Canada – US Business Association has provided leadership and foresight since 1992 as one of the premier voices for the Canadian and American business communities. CUSBA plays host to a number of events through the year, and provides regular news and updates on key issues related to Canadian and US business across multiple industry sectors.




CUSBA offers membership at levels for individuals, corporations and non-profit, governmental entities.



Our Events

CUSBA hosts major business events between Canada and the United States throughout the year. These events provide networking opportunities for members from both countries as well as opportunities for local, regional and federal government representatives to interface with leaders across industry and business.



Join CUSBA Now!

You can join CUSBA Today using our Secure Online partner payment system which accepts all major credit cards. Or you can choose to apply to CUSBA via Mail by printing off the CUSBA Application form, (a PDF File) and submitting the completed form with payment to our mailing address.