Join CUSBA by March 10 for Chance to Win Detroit v. Toronto Hockey Tickets

The Canada – U.S. Business Association – CUSBA – has launched a Power Play for Membership! Businesses, non-profits and entrepreneurs who join or renew by 5 p.m. Monday, March 10 will be eligible to win sixth row upper bowl seats for the Detroit Red Wings – Toronto Maple Leafs game Tuesday, March 18 at the Joe on the international riverfront in downtown Detroit. The puck drops at 7:30 p.m. Tickets have been generously donated by CUSBA Board member Kevin Johns, a partner at the accounting firm Clayton & McKervey in Southfield.

“We encourage companies and organizations doing business on either or both sides of the border to join CUSBA,” said Mark R. High, attorney at Dickinson Wright and CUSBA Board President. “Our mission is to help cross-border businesses prosper by providing resources, connections, and education to our members and the Canada/U.S. business community.”

Already in 2014, members have heard informative economic forecasts for both countries and received VIP invitations to the bittersweet reception March 6 honoring Canadian Consul General Roy Norton, who is leaving his Detroit post for Chicago.

“Roy’s stellar leadership has truly strengthened our region and made possible the planned international trade crossing,” said High.

High said additional events and programs are being planned. Members receive discounted prices for all CUSBA events, and will be listed on the upcoming Membership page at the CUSBA web site. CUSBA’s focus for 2014 is to support the growing trend of on- shoring manufacturing in Canada and the U.S.

Membership rates are only $500 USD per year for corporate members; $300 USD for non-profits including government, academic and business advocacy organizations; and $100 USD for individual business leaders. To join online or by mail, visit
